Friday, August 20, 2010

la tarm...

Om, si piatra, stau fata in fata si se privesc:
aceeasi materie, aceeasi tacere, acelasi pustiu de raceala.
Mai cruda ti-e soarta, omule, caci esti o piatra umblatoare!

7 comentarii:

aiKo said...

superba aceasta cale nebatuta a lunii!

Aliceee Traveler said...

Frumos ... numai tu si Luna

Daliana Pacuraru said...

Pietrele prafuite ale lui Paler pastreaza caldura soarelui si memoria de peste zi, marmura lui Michelangelo are ascunsa adanc frumusetea pura, pietrele pretioase au o putere mistica ...
Sa mai continui...?
Diferenta este ca noi putem urma calea aia de lumina, deschisa de tine spre luna....
Faina imagine!

sebi_2569 said...

frumoase cadre; bravo

Anonymous said...

absolut superba...

Pamela said...

Hi Andrei,

although I am not a photo expert, I can see you must be very talented!! Wonderful pictures! It´s a pity I can´t understand what you are writing in connection to the photos. How are things? I saw you on Linkedin. Pamela

Pamela said...

Hi Andrei,

although I am not a photo expert, I can see you must be very talented!! Wonderful pictures! It´s a pity I can´t understand what you are writing in connection to the photos. How are things? I saw you on Linkedin. Pamela

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